Welcome to the Games page!
I want to make video games. I want to make video games a lot. I have a great many ideas that would make cool video games. I do not however have a programming background, or any real ability to draw pretty pictures. I also lack the funds to pay someone else to make pretty pictures for me. So why am I telling you internet folk about this? Because I have decided to teach myself how to make video games. Now, don't expect any AAA titles from this one man show, but what I do come up with should at least be fun.
The Plan:
I want to eventually make a multi-player, 2D side-scrolling platformer RPG. Quite the mouthful, eh? Starting with that project would leave me frustrated, and lost. So I will be breaking that project into many lesser projects. Each lesser project will teach me a component part of bigger project. I will be posting my progress here, so you internet folk can watch my progress, and contribute your ideas, encouragement, and constructive criticism. To that end let me present you with my first video game, a 2D side scrolling platformer.
Here is the second installment in my quest to build a multi-player, 2D side-scrolling platformer RPG. The basic functionality is working. You can move around, jump, attack, kill enemies, get killed by enemies, and pick up stuff. I will be adding to this game, as I believe it needs a few things, like: HP displayed on screen, a stats screen, level up system, a friendly NPC, and a third map.
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